hard yards in arts & in sciences & mathematics -- airy fairy intellectual [related to philosophy] stuff no use in the 'real' world -- the real world is the world of cash without flesh blood the flux of weather or organic life or earthquakes -- a mechanical Newtonian universe, seriously lacking in relativity, -- tho there is still, surprisingly, plenty of profit in insurance, so I've been told.
I wonder what is the difference between a Management doctorate and an arts or sciences doctorate -- I believe it is at base, or thereabouts, this, that everything in the Management style of teaching & learning is training in obedience to the given [dictated, by ruling authority] rules and systems -- even the language is reduced to jargon in the process --
in the arts & sciences neither the system nor the rules nor the discourse methods nor the significations in any method of semiosis -- nor the researcher's own positions -- are to be so much taken for granted as in training and obedience: all are always necessarily open to questioning -- criticism. Including the institutions in which they take place. Because it is always open-ended as to its results [who knows what they will find before they find what they didn't expect] & open-ended as self-discovery as is always the subject of discourse or other method of making knowledge known, artists & scholars.
Under the amended Universities act in an earlier draft shown to professors just before the summer vacation and timed so that no debate could take place -- made the universities accumulators of knowledge [the knowledge economy] but criticism was omitted.
Professors were asked to write their comments -- separately and without a proper meeting to discuss their responses -- & succeeded in getting the word 'criticism' included amnong their objectives. But, I note, self-criticism, was not included. The institution is, yeah, beyond the criticism of mere academics. The only criticism from then on was that of the Minister of Education through the Unversity Council, because of the newly created majority of Ministry appointees & lay appointess over academics on Council.
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